Volunteer Opportunities
As you may be aware, our little pool runs almost exclusively on the work of volunteers, which is one of the many reasons that we’re able to keep costs down and maintain the overall feel of a small, friendly, neighborhood shared space. For the past several years we’ve been operating with a very small crew, so this year, we would love to invite you to join us!
There are several ways you can help - and you don’t have to make a big time commitment to pitch in on any of the following:
You can join the board and help us make decisions throughout the year. This includes helping prepare to open the pool as well as maintain and operate the pool throughout the summer.
You can join a committee and help plan and execute specific aspects such as landscaping, pool operations, civic planning, or entertainment.
You can simply volunteer some time to help make things happen - as little or as much as you can spare - many hands make light work!
Drop us a line and give us a hand!
We look forward to hearing from you!